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website for ict Industrial park

AFRICOM technology has partnered with the Information Technology Park to develop a website and contentmanagement system

This exciting project aims to:
Boost The IT parks visibility: Market & promote the park's offerings, attracting topICTindustriestojoin.
Fuelcollaboration &communication: Streamline information sharing and communication, fostering a vibrant tech community
Whats on plate?
Building a Strong Foundation:
This ambitious project takes athree pronged approach:
AFRICOM technology, a leading name in the field, will craft a user-friendly, visually appealing platform that is intuitive and accessible to all.
Capacity Building: Training workshops and resources will equip IT Park staff with the skills to manage and maintain the website, ensuring its long-term success.
Operation&Maintenance: AFRICOM will provide ongoing support, keeping the website running smoothly and constantly updated with the latest information.

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