Ethiopia is implementing the Second Urban Local Government Development Program (ULGDP II) to enhance the institutional performance of participating urban local governments in developing and sustaining urban infrastructure and services. It is envisaged that the ULGDP II will consolidate and expand the achievements of the first phase by providing grants to Urban Local Governments (ULGs) based on their performance across a range of areas including fiduciary management, asset management, revenue generation, management of environmental and social systems, planning and budgeting practices, execution of planned operations and maintenance, governance, transparency and participation, among others. It is against the above brief background that the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction under the ULGDP II Project contracted CSM and AFRICOM Technologies to provide Technical Assistance for the development of the ULGDP II & UIIDP Management Information System that supports the program’s operations at the federal, regional and ULGs levels (44 cities).